Here we highlight the Happy Ever afters
Meet Lili. Lili was found on the streets of Targoviste at 8 weeks old by Cristina. She was taken to the shelter and sponsored by Roz before she decided to adopt Lili. Lili arrived in the UK on 19th April and has settled in amazingly well with her big brother Joop.

Cassie and Benji joined our family on the 1st May. Cassie was 6 months old and was rescued from outside of an office just before the dogcatchers came for her. She was poorly but, with care from Cristina, she has made a full recovery. Benji is 2 years old. He was rescued by Cristina from the public shelter. He was very scared and took two months of work by Cristina's team before he was in the position where he could be adopted. These beautiful dogs have settled into family life very well.
They have lovely gentle natures, which was important as I have children.They are becoming more confident each day and are beginning to learn the joys of toys, playing
and going for walks. the adoption process is very straight forward, with a lot of support.
Adopting them has brought a great deal of joy to our lives.
Alison Perin. May 14

Arriving in the UK 19/4/14
Daniel was taken from the Public Shelter in December 2013 along with his sister. Their photos were so harrowing I couldn't not help them, so I sponsored them and offered foster placement to Daniel. He arrived early March and it has been a very rewarding challenge working with him to earn his trust. He has in that time won all our hearts, and even though I am an experienced fosterer with 5 dogs already we have decided we couldn't possibly let him go (but keep that quiet because my husband doesn't know yet hahahaha!) Please if you can open your home and heart to a rescue dog consider a Romanian dog, they didn't ask to be born.
Joanne De Groot May 14

My name is Lottie and I arrived in the UK to my new family on Sunday 16th February 2014. I came from a "safe" shelter in Romania via Cristina Paun. Cristina basically saved my life because she rescued me from a Public Shelter which is also known as a kill shelter. I had already been deprived of food and water by the PS and was very skinny when Cristina noticed me and decided I needed rescuing.
My new family saw me on Cristina's Facebook Page and decided I was the girl for them. They named me Lottie because they said it would be like winning the Euro Lottery for me, being given the chance of a new life.
When I arrived I was very scared as I didn't know what was happening to me. When I arrived at my new family home, I snarled at my sister Peppa because I thought she wanted the bread which had been put out for the birds, as I saw it as "my" food because I was used to fighting for my survival, even down to small pieces of bread!
It did take me time to settle because before I met Cristina I had never known love and when my family kept showing me constant love, I didn't know how to react so I would "lash out" out my sister, Peppa. Unfortunately, Peppa didn't stand for me and we ended up having full on fights, which was upsetting for my family to see.
I feared the harness to go for a walk, I now love my early morning walks with my mama and sister and especially the treats I get to have when I come back! I no longer snarl or grump at Peppa or my Nanny's dog, Tilley. I know that my family has equal love for me and my sister, so there is no need to be food or attention possessive.
My family love me and I love them and give them
lots of licks to show how much.
I thank my new family but also give a special thanks
to Cristina for saving my life.
Lots of Love
Lottie. xxx

We have our first foster failure ....Cristina! She's decided today that she and Blue are meant to be together forever, so its now official...Blue is adopted!
Cristina and Sarah Kuflewski found Blue by the side of a road in january. I still don't know how they spotted him as he was coated in mud and almost camouflaged, but thank goodness they did. He'd been hit by a car and 3 of his legs were broken, the front left really badly with almost all the skin torn off. No one though he would live through the first night, but he did. He then had gangrene, but got through that too. For a month, Cristina carried him everywhere with her, then when his bones were healed she slowly taught him to walk again. This built a bond between them that is just unbreakable.
I'm so happy tonight that after months of everyone telling her he should stay, she's admitted that she can't let him go.
Congratulations to Blue and Cristina....together forever
Blue as Cristina & Sarah found him Injured Blue

Blue today

Here is our little Lily. She is 13 years old and we adopted her after seeing a picture of her on Cristina's website. We loved her on sight and wanted to give her a safe and happy retirement home:) When she came to us she stayed with Marsha for a week until we were able to collect her from a lovely lady in Harrogate. She was really scared and trembly when we collected her. She didn't like the lead at all. She had a great appetite and really loved liver as Marsha told us. The liver worked, her appetite was fine and a little trail of liver helped us to to tempt her to go outside for her toilet etc. Chloe has now helped Lily to wear a little pink harness and go out for a little walk with our other old lady Gypsy who is 15. She no longer trembles and shakes when we go near her and loves her cuddles and kisses. She is in great health and has no health problems because of her age. We only wish she had come into her lives earlier so we could have loved and looked after her sooner :) xxx

Here is our Bubba. My daughter Chloe saw Bubba's picture on Friends of Targoviste facebook page.Chloe just fell in love with him and so did I -it didn't take much to persuade me to add him to our furry family.Bubba was a cuddly loving little boy from day one and formed a wonderful bond with Chloe as soon as they saw each other, Chloe immediately claimed him as her dog and does everything for him. Bubba loves his food a lot also and has formed a special friendship with Lily our old Romanian lady. He is happy to lie by you being cuddled and kissed as long as you are happy to do it. We all love him loads and are so grateful to Cristina for bringing these two lovely babies into our lives :) xxx

My Name is Freida and I was the very first dog to leave Christina's shelter.
My Mum had been helping K9 Angels then just before
Christmas she read a post that said all the dogs in the
public Shelter were going to be killed at Christmas -
unless people could help to get them out and to
Christina's safe shelter.
She saw my face and it broke her heart and she said
to my dad that it was time to stand up and be counted !
When I arrived I was poorly and very very frightened and
my mum made a safe place for me and my dad slept on
the floor next to me every night. But soon I was better and
I started to realize this was a good place to live.
It took 6 weeks to get used to my lead - and I still don't like the car very much but my mum says every day I get better. In fact sometimes she says I am a Little Monkey.
What is best of all my brother and sister are really good fun and Rufus washes my ears every morning even when they are not dirty!
On a more serious note mum says please please please consider adopting one of the lovely dogs still in the shelter we are gentle, affectionate and just want to be loved. and everyone deserves to be loved. We haven't all had a good start in life - you could help us to have happy endings Thank-you Christina from Freida xx

We adopted Berno a 6 years old lab Sheep cross when I fell in love with his description on the website. He looked a bit like the black retriever I had just lost to cancer but in reality he looks more like a wolf with a white cross of his chest. The kind of dog that you don't see much in England and very handsome.
After leaving a message about my interest, Roz contacted me straight away and helped me through the procedure, she suggested other dogs who were suitable for our familly as well (we have a 3 years old so unfortunately that limits a bit our choice) and she also thought Berno would be a perfect match.
We had a home check and after that all we had to do was wait for Berno to arrive.
I was not expecting him to be used to live in a house as I knew he had been found on the streets, neither was I thinking he would be clean coming from the shelter. The first thing we did when he arrived was brush him in the garden and give him an emergency wash. He was quite ok with all of that then he came in and seemed to be quite relaxed. He chewed a bone with enthusiasm and after a walk we though he would never leave his basket, he seemed so tired he slept for hours. Straight away he was clean and never did anything in the house. He is so clean he refuses to use the courtyard garden like our other dogs (even when he has diarrhoea) and we have to take him outside.
He is a dream inside the house. After a few weeks we left him alone for a few hours and he did not destroy anything, he is just very chilled. He is food oriented but does not beg like my 2 retrievers, he is much more polite.
Outside at the start he was really friendly towards everyone who passed our path I think this was a survivor mechanism he had on the streets to befriend as many people as possible so they could possibly give him food. He seems not to do it anymore now after 3 months and becomes much more glued to us when we walk. He has understood we are his familly and he is going to stay with us. He is lovely with my daughter and likes it when she stroke him under my supervision. She very often walks with him in the middle of and she put her hand on his back quite a sight as he is as tall as her...

He is very confident with other dogs and loves to growl when he meets them but he is not aggressive at all and it is an assertivity sound that's all. His big passion is chasing squirrels and that's one of the very few times he barks in frustration because they never want to come down to get caught! He never barks in the house even when there is a visitor.
At the beginning, he was missing his freedom roaming the streets and would have happily wander off on his own but now he understand you have to sometimes sacrifice something to have a safe and loving family life.
After several weeks he showed some sign of aggression (barking aggressively) towards random guys passing or cyclists and joggers. I think some people must remind him of the dog catchers. We are really telling him off when he does that, he seems to start to understand.
Apart from that he is a dream, and wants to be closed to us. He really is very bonded already and loves us hugely both Robert and I in the space of only 3 months.
I was destroyed when I lost my 2 flatcoats within 2 years apart from the same cancer. While Berno will never replace them, he has given me the opportunity to turn one dog life around and give the love he so deserves as he is a smashing dog even with the hard life he had. He makes me feel better.
Thank you for allowing us to have him.
My name is Bear I am just over 5 months old and started a life with my new family on the 14th February 2015 .I wouldnt have had a tale to tell had it not been for the kindness and dedication of Christina Paun and her team who found me at the side of the road along with my brother and sister at a very young age left to fend for ourselves.We were given lots of love and were well looked after until it was our turn to start a new journey in our lives. I live with 4 children who I think are puppies just like me and we all play crazy games together and like nothing more than to curl up on the setee together and have a belly scratch. I also live with Fidget the cat who seems to like me and I him. My mummy and Daddy tell me how much they love me and what a good boy I am and I know now life is going to be one massive adventure all thanks to Christina.